Choosing car key tags for your dealership doesn’t have to be difficult. But you don’t want to be stuck with the wrong product, especially if you’re buying in bulk. If the tags are poorly made or simply not right for your needs, then they could hurt your operations in more ways than you might realize.
At My Dealer Supplies, we understand the diverse needs of today’s dealerships and the important role that these tags serve, despite their small physical size.
Here are some tips to help you choose the right tags for your dealership:

Select a design that matches your intended use.
Car key tags for dealers come in many different designs, so it’s important to review this before you purchase. Most dealers will want tags that can be used to identify the make and model of the vehicle, but what about other details, such as year, color, license plate, VIN, etc.? Double-check the design of the tag to be sure it includes the specific fields that your business requires.
Use colors to your advantage.
We can’t stress this enough: colored car key tags are a boon for organization. Having different colors allows you to organize vehicles into different groups to make the vehicles even easier to identify, such as blue tags for new cars, green for used vehicles, yellow for the service department, etc. Larger dealerships will also use colors to designate which lots the vehicles are located in.
Look for write-on ability and versatility.
If you use car key tags often, then you know the frustration of struggling to write on a tag with some pens and pencils, perhaps because the tag’s material is too glossy. This is no small thing. If employees need to stop what they’re doing to go searching for other writing utensils, this eats into their schedule and takes time away from more important responsibilities (which ultimately hurts the dealership’s productivity and bottom line). Be sure to look for car key tags that are made to accommodate virtually any writing tool. A good example is Versa-Tags, which allow pen, pencil and marker.

Compare keyrings vs. self-locking car key tags.
Some car key tags include keyrings (such as Versa-Tags), while others do not. Some styles require no keyrings at all, such as Arrow ID Tags. But each option has its unique advantages and disadvantages (such as available designs, colors and versatility), so be sure to review each product carefully to ensure it’s the right fit for your needs.
Consider integrated mirror hang tags.
Some types of service department hang tags include the key tag and claim check all in one piece, with perforated edges that allow you to easily tear off each tag. This can be a convenient option, especially if you number your vehicles and want to display those numbers on the rear-view mirror for easier locating.
Don’t settle for pre-made designs if you have other needs.
Custom car key tags are a great option if your dealership wants to incorporate other messaging on the tags, such as logos, phone numbers, reminders, taglines or promotions. At My Dealer Supplies, we are a full-service printer in addition to a supplier, so we can accommodate nearly any custom request. Simply email us at to let us know what you need.